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1kg OPM 9999 金條

1kg OPM 9999 金條

昨日最高價: HK$ 765991.20
昨日最低價: HK$ 762688.72
現在價格: HK$765941.55

此類為金城其他現貨產品 --1kg OPM 999.9金條

OPM是美國最大的鑄幣廠,總部位於美國 Ohio
1kg OPM 999.9金條成色為999.9純金,
每個OPM 金條有一個單獨的序列號,以及它的重量和純度,以及國際認可的通用回收標誌。

1kg OPM 999.9金條
重量 1kg/1000g/26.72兩/32.150盎司
純度 999.9

1kg America OPM 1kg 999.9 Gold Bar

OPM is America’s largest gold and silver refiner, providing a variety of services,
including high- and low-grade refining and bullion products to the precious metals industry.
Each OPM 1 Kilo Gold Bar bears an individual serial number, along with its weight and purity.
The bar also features an OPM seal, along with the internationally-recognized Universal Recycling Symbol.

1kg OPM 999.9 Gold Bar
Weight 1kg/1000g/26.72 taels/32.150 troy ounce
Purity 999.9